Organizational Structure

Ridgeview Mennonite Church is guided by its mission of being “called by God to learn and share together God’s love with all creation.”

A small and active congregation, our focus is on community and mission. Congregational participants are empowered to form groups that make this vision a reality within the congregation and into the broader community. Ridgeview has a congregational form of governance and thus the entire congregation is involved in some way in many decisions that enable our life together.

Our leadership structure is:

Ministry Team: This team is led by Pastor Katelyn Robbins and consists of the chairs of three commissions: Nurture, Outreach, and Worship, as well as the chairperson of the congregation.

Pastoral Advisory Council:  Includes the pastor and 2 congregational participants who provide a shepherding role for the congregation and ministry leadership team. Their role and purpose is:

1. To speak into the vision and mission of Ridgeview Mennonite Church and to commit to regular prayer for the congregation and leadership, helping leadership to keep in step with the Spirit. (Galatians 5:22-26)

2. To provide spiritual care and counsel in discerning how to address congregational needs alongside the pastor as they work with specific situations. They work with the pastor for the general welfare and witness of the congregation.

Congregational leadership roles are filled through a congregational discernment process led by the Administration Commission which serves as the church board.

    In all the ministries and witness of Ridgeview Mennonite Church, we want to learn and share together God’s love with all creation. To learn more about Anabaptist/Mennonite beliefs click here.

    Called by God to Learn and Share Together God's Love with all Creation