Organizational Structure

The Ministries of Ridgeview are structured around the foci of Up, In, and Out.

  • Up – Focus on our relationship with the Triune God
  • IN – Focus on our relationships within the local congregation
  • OUT – Focus on our relational witness to our local community and the world

Ministry Leadership Team provides leadership to congregational ministry and is made up of the ministry leaders of these three areas of focus, Administration and pastor(s) whose role and purpose is:

  • report on the various areas of ministry
  • promote and practice good communication and coordination between areas of ministry
  • provide support and counsel for each other especially in ministry
  • help develop, facilitate, and evaluate the ongoing vision and mission of Ridgeview

Pastor Advisory Council includes the pastor(s) and 2-3 members who provide a shepherding role for the congregation and ministry leadership team. Their role and purpose is:

1. Speak into the vision and mission of Ridgeview Mennonite Church. Commit to regular prayer for the congregation and leadership, helping leadership to keep in step with the Spirit. Galatians 5:22-26

2. Provide spiritual care and counsel in discerning how to address congregational needs alongside the pastor(s) as they work with specific situations. The Team Congregation Relations Committee nurtures the relationship between the congregation and Ministry Team. The committee serves as a conduit for communication between the Ministry Team and the congregation for regular reviews and in the event of concerns.

Congregational leadership roles are filled through a congregational discernment process.

In all the ministries and witness of Ridgeview Mennonite Church, we want to learn and share together God’s love with all creation. To learn more about Anabaptist/Mennonite beliefs click here.

Called by God to Learn and Share Together God's Love with all Creation